Частное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования
Лицензия №2303 от 04.08.2016г.
420111, г.Казань,
+7 (843) 292-11-45

Частное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования

Лицензия №2303 от 04.08.2016г.

Общая информация



Об институте

isgz2Частное образовательное учреждение «Институт социальных и гуманитарных знаний» - первый негосударственный вуз г. Казани, созданный в 1991 году.

В ИСГЗ можно получить образование по таким программам как среднее профессиональное образование, бакалавриат, магистратура и аспирантура.

Обучение в институте по всем направлениям и специальностям ведется в очной, заочной и очно-заочной формах. Кроме того, осуществляется подготовка специалистов с ускоренным сроком обучения для лиц с высшим и средним профессиональным образованием, соответствующим профилю избранной специальности.

ИСГЗ - интернациональный вуз, в нем обучаются представители многих национальностей России и ближнего зарубежья. Наш институт - зеркало интернациональной политики Республики Татарстан. Сегодня Институт социальных и гуманитарных знаний - динамично развивающийся вуз, и главное, - здесь готовят настоящих специалистов, востребованных структурами разных уровней города Казани и Республики Татарстан.


Intensive Course in Russian Language
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We recommend all our students to immerse themselves into the Russian-speaking environment from the first days of their stay in Russia which allows a more rapid learning process. The Course is based on the methods of intensive language learning: the consistent complication of the language material, focusing on everyday language in use. Well structured course flow, constant revision of the previous knowledge allows the students to acquire the new vocabulary and grammar forms in a rapid and coherent way. The education process includes home tasks: written exercises, presentations, essays, etc.

The Centre of Russian Language Studies works from September, 1 until July, 31. 
Our courses last from 1 month to 1 academic year.
Summer courses (1-2 months): May, 10 – July, 31*
* the dates may be slightly changed due to special requests and possibilities


The aim of this course is to teach students to speak Russian with the simultaneous learning of basic grammar forms. Working on lexical items teaches the students to read Russian with or without a dictionary. While doing the Course the students master various language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. The program of the course is adapted according to the students’ language level.

Within the course our teachers involve students in discussions and dialogues from the very first class, to build their confidence and fluency. It is, thus, ideal for those who wish to quickly master the practical communication skills vital for their stay in Russia. Although the course emphasizes speaking and writing skills, correct grammatical constructions are also studied in the context of conversational topics, and students learn about Russian customs, traditions and etiquette. The course also seeks to active usage of existing passive knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge by expanding vocabulary and naturalizing frequently used language patterns. The ultimate goal of the course is improving speaking skills and expanding knowledge in the sphere of cultural studies. It is important to note that the Course is a module that has been adapted to different levels of language competence.


The Course of Russian Language is targeted to correct and master the existing communicative, linguistic and cultural knowledge of students by exercising speaking, reading and writing skills. By the completion of the Course the students are able to freely express their ideas and opinions in Russian (both written and spoken).


The main purpose of the Course is to introduce the students of Russian to current social problems in various areas of life in Russia today. As sources of information students are offered to get acquainted with popular newspapers and magazines. All of them cover political and economic aspects in life in Russian society and include interviews with politicians, scientists, and public figures, which helps students expand their horizons in terms of regional socio-political issues.


The Course also focuses on everyday interaction in the linguistic-cultural context, and the course’s priority is to solve the problem of correct interpretation of grammatical structures according to the appropriate linguistic and cultural context that is used "in the street." Grammar training during short intensive courses in a native setting differs from the teaching of the same topics taught in the home country, outside of an immersion environment. Students who come to Russia aim to communicate in the language, have daily practice of their spoken skills, and make an effort to understand natural speech surrounding them. Some students initially believe that grammar is of minor importance: on the street they try to remember words (not grammatical structures) while communicating their needs and formulating pressing issues that immediately concern them. Therefore, as a primary objective we begin with the refinement of grammatical structures which can be useful for students at the initial, survival stage. Grammar should not hinder pragmatic understanding in communication between foreign students and Russians.


This course intends to develop students’ abilities in translating from English into Russian (which might be a bit more difficult than to translate into English) by putting into practice newly learned theoretical rules, grammar and vocabulary in certain spheres of life. In addition, it gives a good opportunity to those who seek to acquire special knowledge that could make you a rare specialist.


The Course focuses not just on the building of correct pronunciation skills, but also on the formation of sounds, as phonetic courses often lack this type of guidance. During the course students learn the most basic level – pronunciation of individual sounds, syllables, words, and syntagms. The course develops familiarity with phonetic features of Russian as part of the communication process. Special attention during the course of practical phonetics is paid to cultural interpretations of Russian intonation in its relationship with various communicative tasks.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE (mainly XX century)

In the Course poetry is preferred to prose. It is founded on the principle "from the facts of language to the facts of culture." Although, of course, to interpret a poem students should have some background in Russian culture and history. Therefore, the course also incorporates "the facts of culture to the facts of language." Understanding Russian literature without basic knowledge of Russian folklore and key themes and motifs of folk art is virtually impossible. Poems by Russian poets include rich folk “background.” Poems also raise topical issues of the contemporary Russian social and spiritual world.


This course is built on the "language through culture" principle. It helps students to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Russia, as well as to form their interest in the further study of the Russian language through the Soviet and Russian movies. Students discuss the Russian character and life in Russia of different epochs.


We invite students to take part in a variety of cultural activities which we consider as an essential part of the whole educational process. These activities, built on classroom material, are interactive and help develop students' speaking skills. Our students visit Theatres (Kazan's Theatre of Ballet and Opera is one of the best in Russia), Concert Halls, Jazz and Rock Festivals, Museums and Art Galleries. We can also organize boat trips down the Volga River (to Samara, Nizhniy Novgorod). Moreover, we are happy to take you to various entertaining trips round Republic of Tatarstan with its famous architectural and historic monuments. You will be expected to pay for any trips. 

The Centre of Russian Language Studies in Kazan is tailored to suit groups and individuals with various language levels and needs. Do not hesitate to ask us about your preferences: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.



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